What do you think are we creating robots?


What’s old is still valuable, just in a different way than it was initially designed.

I have been spending a considerable amount of time adding to and cleaning up the Mpro Member section of our website.

As I was reading, my first thought was I needed to delete this old and outdated material. At the same time, I was refreshing my memory and comparing it to how we do things today. Throughout the years, much has changed in how we conduct business, just about everything we do. I had one of those ah-ha moments. Smiles, they were sitting right in front of me! Stay with me, Yes things have changed, but reading, I realized that often we change processes, procedures, techniques, and once they don’t fit today’s situations, we rack our brains searching for a new solution. The old with a twist is now the new solution. OR the best darn training on a gradient ever invented. Today it’s ” this is the way we enter this information,” but the reason “Why” is missing so a complete education is never provided. It sounds like when I first started leasing and was told to do it but was never given the “WHY” behind the process. For those in the business for years and years, We wonder why we can’t find employees like us. As simple as it might seem, the answer was sitting on those pages I was ready to delete.
What do you think are we creating robots?