Great Multifamily Recruiting Idea

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Here's an excellent way to recruit associates. I did this to get potential leasing candidates, but it could be used for any position. It was a huge success! One of the issues we determined needed immediate attention was recruiting. My suggestion was to host a FREE SEMINAR on what it takes to be a leasing consultant. We decided to try the idea and target individuals in the retail and restaurant markets, because as a leasing person they would have better hours.... no more night shifts and better benefits and perks. To prepare, we secured the use of a training room for a two-hour session. We placed an ad in the restaurant section of the newspaper on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was also placed in the retail section on Sunday. Seating was limited to 30 participants. We created handouts using the Leasing Consultant Job Description Welcome Page. Candidates were paired up and used the sheet to gather information, so they could stand and introduce each other. (A great way to identify outgoing personalities!) We also distributed our Human Resource brochure, pens with the company job line number and email address, and blank job applications We had attendees sign in with their names, phone numbers, and current job industries. WOW!! What a success! We had over 40 people call and sign up. Twenty actually showed up. Out of the 20, 19.... yes 19, are good candidates! Eleven stayed and filled out an application. The Regional manager set up interviews for the next day. We have even had several candidates stop by the area office to fill out an application because they could not make it to the seminar. A few have called and asked when will we offer the seminar again! The following is a breakdown of where these candidates are from: 4 - no current job 2 - retired 1 - student 2 - convenient store 2 - restaurant 1 - federal government housing 1 - medical records clerk 1 - telemarketing 1 - retail 1 - receptionist jewelry shop 1 - real estate paralegal 1 - payroll/benefits 1 - field interviewer 1 - clerical Contributed by Donna Olson,  when she was the SW Regional Education Director, Equity

Here’s an excellent way to recruit associates. I did this to get potential leasing candidates, but it could be used for any position. It was a huge success! One of the issues we determined needed immediate attention was recruiting. My suggestion was to host a FREE SEMINAR on what it takes to be a leasing […]

by Tami Siewruk The last time you played “let’s pretend,” chances are you were only concerned with the three R’s (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic). This time, we’re going to play a grown-up game of let’s pretend, where you get to be the resident or future resident—and we’ve got four R’s of an apartment community’s to […]

Note from Tami: Still true today! Grow Taller 4 Idiots By Brad Marting, CPM, CAPS 2000   It is often said that establishing maximum rental rates can determine the success or failure of a multifamily housing investment.  But it is more often said than done. Historically, rents have been increased based upon overall occupancy percentage.   […]

By:   The Smart Girls of Smart Apartment Solutions, Dawn Ford, Paige Perry and Megan Orser Millennials, also known as echo-boomers, a term used to describe those born between 1980 and 2000.  By 2010, this demographic will outnumber both Baby Boomers and Gen-X’ers, and is presenting vast and unique opportunities to the student housing market. While […]

By:  Megan Orser, Paige Perry and Dawn Ford, the Smart Girls of Smart Apartment Solutions For many years, the fear of outreach marketing has caused those in the apartment industry to refer to outreach marketing as a four-letter word.  We budget for outreach marketing but can anyone say they have seen direct benefits from their […]

By the Smart Girls, Dawn Ford, Megan Orser and Paige Perry of Smart Apartment Solutions Do you recall the memories of some of the most important events of your life, graduating high school, going away to college, landing your first job, getting married and becoming a parent?  In recalling these memories, what also comes to […]

Sometimes, especially when we take over a property or replace a Manager, we find that the collection policy has not been followed, which almost always produces a major mess. Although it would be nice if we could just tell the Residents that “There’s a new sheriff in town” and you better start paying according to […]

Water trucks roll in and out of our apartment community entrances daily. No fewer than 15 different companies deliver bottled water to various residents. At times, we have traded referrals for free bottled water in our offices. However, we have never really benefited from a concerted shared marketing effort… until this month! There is nothing […]

Today, I came across this an article that a dear friend of ours wrote years ago and it is still very appropriate for today. Enjoy! by Frank Basile Have you ever had days when you worked hard but seemed to accomplish nothing? If so, welcome to the human race! Unfortunately, we all have days like this. […]