We all know that every day that an apartment remains vacant, the more potential income we lose. Just ten years ago, you’d post a listing to your newspaper classifieds. Now, there’s social media and Craigslist, but managing even those real-time media takes time, especially if you are managing multiple properties. RentShout combines social media distribution of listings with speed, simplicity, and analytics, adding your listing to dozens of directories and websites – including CraigsList – but with added benefits like video syndication and Click-To-Call. Getting listings up is simple. Add the details, add pictures, pick your template (for simple HTML listings), and then pick your package. Advertising a single listing on 60+ social media sites and directories costs $29.99, while five costs $90.00. If you consider that rent typically costs more than $29.99 per day, it can be well worth your money.

The rent listing tool also includes renter performance reports, which shows information on who is clicking and how often. You can also attach rental applications directly to your add, and with click-to-call, if a renter is interested, they can click the button to send you a text message with their phone number. It’s a lightning-fast way to connect with a potential lead and lock down a deal.

RentShout is effective because it simplifies the advertising process. You get listed in a range of housing directories that goes well beyond Craigslist; a professional-looking listing up and running in minutes; analytics; and Click-To-Call, making RentShout a saver of both time and money. For more info, visit www.RentShout.com.